Why do you need exercise to increase effectiveness?
- Blood circulation in the pelvic organs is accelerated.As a result, the corpora cavernosa of the penis is filled with blood (physical activity forces the cardiovascular system to work properly).
- Spine and muscle tension is eliminated.This is often the cause of impotence.
- The musculature of the perineum is strengthened.As with other organs of the genitourinary system, muscles are directly involved in maintaining erections, urine, and stool (symptoms often associated with prostatitis).
- Tissue swelling disappears.This can prevent you from having full sexual intercourse. This is achieved due to the fact that lymph nodes are distributed throughout the body.
- Mood improves and depression disappears.Because exercise neutralizes adrenaline and promotes the synthesis of pleasure-increasing hormones (serotonin, endorphins).
- Men gain confidence.Because the beautiful figure has been formed.
- The coccygeopectineal muscle becomes elastic and elastic.The second name is Kegel muscles, which are responsible for the function of the reproductive system and the stability of the penis during sexual arousal.
- Whole body metabolism is restored.What promotes weight loss.
- Energy appears.Improves performance and stamina in bed. Fatigue is reduced, thereby increasing libido.
- Are over 35 years of age (erections may weaken with age);
- People with sedentary lifestyles (congestion of pelvic organs, risk of impotence);
- Truck drivers, taxi drivers, office workers and other men who live sedentary lifestyles;
- Smokers, drinkers and drug addicts.
Reproductive organ exercise rules
- "Twitching" of the penis should begin immediately after and before getting out of bed - for this, the fully erect penis (usually in the morning) is forced to jump several times, but not hastily, but with smooth movements;
- Keep a journal of your own achievements – write down times, dates, amounts and types of exercises (you will be surprised at the results you achieve in a few months, which will motivate you even more);
- Pay attention to how you feel during training – you shouldn’t feel pain or discomfort;
- Start the class with a minimum number of methods but gradually increase the speed.
If the penis does not erect on its own in the morning, consult a specialist immediately, as this is a sign of a serious disease.
Exercises to quickly build strength
- Sumo squat.Another name is a plie, which is performed initially without weights and then with weights. Stand up straight, point your toes to the sides and keep your back straight. Slowly lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Hold for 2-3 seconds, then stand up. Repeats – 5+. Monitor correct execution - The man feels tightness in his groin and ligaments. - Butterfly-1.Sit on a flat floor and turn your legs to the sides but keep your feet together. To do this, hold your limbs with your palms. Lift your knees and lower them. Practice for up to 2 minutes.
- Butterfly-2.Assume a lying position and spread your bent limbs in different directions. Bring your heels together and grab your legs from above with your hands. Inhale - bring your knees together, exhale - open them again. Do this 3 times or more.
- Squeeze the ball.Sit or stand (as convenient). Take a ball no larger than 20 cm in diameter, place it between your knees and start squeezing. The number of compressions is 30 to 40 times.

The same exercises are also used in the complex treatment of erectile dysfunction.
simple exercises
- bike.Lie down and bend your legs to simulate riding a bicycle. The duration of the exercise is at least 1 minute. Important - change the speed.
- Vertical scissors.Starting position (IP), as in the previous situation, but with the weights hanging around your ankles. Lift your legs alternately up and down.
- Horizontal scissors.To perform, lie on your back with your hands under your tailbone, palms facing down. Spread your legs out to the sides and bring them together, clasping each other. The number of repetitions is 6 to 12 times.
- plate.Lower yourself to the floor, belly down. Rest your arms from palms to elbows and feet (toes). Keep your torso straight in this position. Make sure to tighten your abdominal muscles for 22-25 seconds (count these numbers slowly).
- High step.Standing straight, raise each limb one by one as high as possible, bending at the knees. Exercise time is 1 to 3 minutes.
- Anti-bridge.Lie on your back with your spine straight, your shoulders tilted, your upper limbs along your body, and your legs bent. Lift your hip area off the floor, hold for 2-4 seconds, then lower to starting position. The number of repetitions is 18 to 20 times.
Don't bend your lumbar spine, keep it as straight as possible and try to pull your knees forward and tighten your groin muscles. Once you reach the highest point, spread your legs in different directions. - There are dynamic and static frogs.Get into a knee-elbow position with your knees wider than your shoulders. Pull each limb toward your stomach 8-10 times.
The second option is to lie completely on your stomach, spread your hips and hold this position for up to 30 seconds.
- Climber - mountaineer.IP – Lie on your stomach, placing your lower body’s elbows and toes on the floor and lifting your body up. Bring your knees one by one to the abdominal muscle area. Try turning your hips inwards.
On subsequent executions, turn your hips in the opposite direction, that is, outward. The number of repetitions is 12 to 20 times. - Sit and walk.Squat on your butt, legs straight forward and hands on your hips. Move one leg forward first, then the other. Push with your gluteal muscles. Take 20 steps, then do the same thing in the opposite direction (walk backwards).
- Pelvic rotation.Stand upright with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Place your palms on your waist. Start by rotating only your pelvis, but don't use your neck and shoulders, keep them still. Rotate first in one direction, then the other, 25 times in total.
- Elevate your pelvis.Get into a lying position with your arms extended to your sides. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet on the floor. Smoothly raise/lower the pelvic area up to 10 times.
- Pelvic lunges.Stand up straight and place your palms at your sides. Punch your pelvis forward and then return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 12 to 15 times.
- birch.Assume a lying position and lift your legs vertically so that they are completely perpendicular to the floor surface. Place your palms on your lower back and rest your elbows on the floor. Lift your body and hold for 20-25 seconds. Repeat up to 8-10 times.
Don't tense your cervical spine - it should be relaxed. - ring.Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, and lift them up while cupping your ankles with your palms. Bend as much as flexibility will allow. Hold this position for 25-28 seconds. Repeat up to 10-15 times.
- Udiadna.Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart (no wider) and your palms on the front of your thighs. Exhale forcefully while tilting your torso slightly downward and forward, bending your knees slightly. Firmly tighten your abdomen and tighten your anal muscles. Stand up straight again. Do 18-20 times at most.

- Straighten your spine and place your feet side by side.
- Move your hips as if you were walking, forward and backward (on the surface of the chair).
- Breathe deeply while contracting your diaphragm. Hold this action for 25-30 seconds and relax. Repeat 4-5 times.
- Place your palms on your chest and turn your body to the left, then to the right, keeping your spine straight.
- Wrap your arms around the back of the chair and lift your legs horizontally to the floor. Perform a motion similar to the "scissors" exercise.
- While sitting, pull your knees toward your chest. In the initial stages, grab the chair with your hands.

Kegel exercises
- Perform a urination procedure.
- Take a lying, sitting or standing position.
- Squeeze your Kegel muscles for 5 seconds and then release immediately.
- elevator.Tighten your Kegel muscles for 1 second, then relax immediately. The next compression is 2 seconds, and so on, up to - hold for up to 5 seconds.
- Lift your limbs.Get into a lying position - lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees and wrap your hands around them. Pull your knees toward your chest without lifting your shoulders off the floor. Lift your legs and return to IP.
- Exercise treats prostatitis.Get into a prone position and bend one leg at the knee. Begin by tightening and relaxing your pubococcygeus muscles, up to 10 times. Repeat with the other leg.
- Improves erections when the genitourinary system is inflamed.Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Use one hand to support your lower abdomen and the other hand to support your hips. Squeeze and relax the muscles rhythmically up to 15 times.
- Reverse Kegel Exercises.Proceed after mastering the basic techniques. Tighten your muscles as you would to push urine out of your body. Hold this tension for up to 4 seconds, then relax. Repeat up to 10-15 times.
- Anal muscles.Useful for erectile dysfunction. Simply squeeze and relax your anal muscles 10-20 times.
- At the end of the complex.Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders, and place your feet on the floor so that your toes are on the floor. Lift your arms to full extension and bend your spine at the waist.
Tighten your pelvic muscles and rub up to 5 times, just like you would during sex. Repair takes 15-20 seconds and returns IP.
- Go to the toilet and start peeing.
- Try to stop the flow of urine with a squeezing motion. You will definitely feel the muscles once the flow of urine stops.
The same thing can be done with an erect penis.
Power moves
- Sit on the exercise machine.
- Spread your legs apart so that the most tension is transferred to your inner thighs, which quickly increases blood flow.
- Perform compressions as you exhale.
- As you inhale, return to the starting position.

- Stand up straight with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart (the wider your feet, the better).
- Hold 2 dumbbells, a kettlebell, or other heavy object in your hands.
- Squat down with your legs spread apart, keeping your back completely straight. Otherwise, the risk of spinal injury increases.
- Make 10 short presses.
- Squat down with your legs together.
- Repeat.

- Sit on the machine with your legs together.
- Spread the limbs apart.
- Bring them together again, but not completely (leave at least 5-7 cm of space between your knees).

- Place your palms around the bar.
- Tighten all the muscles in your lower torso.
- Bend or half-bend your knees.
- Hold for 1-2 seconds.
- Extend your limbs forward.
- Hold this position for 3-4 seconds.
- Accept IP.

Perform strength training 8-15 times.
aerobic exercise training
- Perform a standard warm-up.
- Perform strength training for 20-35 minutes.
- Do 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise.
- Jogging - If you run in the morning, the number of platelets and blood viscosity increase. If you run in the evening, the platelets and viscosity decrease (it is best to run in the morning);
- The best choice of cardio equipment is a stepper, it is important to turn your socks slightly outward when exercising;
- The best exercise is to walk for 15-25 minutes three times a day and jump rope for 10 minutes;
- Extra training - Cycling, pool swimming, rowing for 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week.
erection training
- Jeerqing.Warm the penis with warm hands (water, massage), lubricate it with lubricant, and make it erect to a maximum of 70%. Grasp the base of the organ with your index finger and thumb, like a closed ring.
Slowly stretch your fingers from base to end of head (this will take 3-4 seconds). Change hands. The number of approaches per limb can reach 10-15 times. - Pull technology.There are many methods, but the following actions are considered basic training: wrap your hands around the base of the penis head, stretch forward, first turn to the left, then to the right, up and down. The duration of an approach is 30-35 seconds.
- Penis tension.In the morning, before going to the toilet or when the organ is erect (70-80%), tighten your groin muscles and try to lift your penis higher, then relax.
Begin the exercise by lifting 5 times, but as you can perform more than 30-40 times, start holding the organ in the raised position for 2-10 seconds. - pause.Keep your penis erect. Hang a towel over it and hold it for 2-3 seconds at first, but gradually increase the time.

Yoga increases male strength
- Bowing posture.Lie on your stomach with your arms overhead and your feet on the floor. Lift your legs up and clasp them from behind with your hands. Press and hold for 3 seconds to return to IP.
- Cobra pose.Lie on your back with your palms on the floor, lift your torso, arch your back as much as possible, and tilt your head back. Straighten your elbows. Hold this position for 3 seconds.
- Plow pose.Lie on your back with your arms resting on your body. Slowly raise your legs and lower them on the other side (i. e. behind your head). Hold for 5 seconds.
If you have difficulty with the exercise at first, you can support your waist with your hands. - Ship pose.This is a familiar exercise in school. Lie on your stomach and at the same time lift all limbs slightly, extending them - arms forward and legs back. Hold for 10 seconds. Slight shaking is acceptable.

According to Bubnovsky's exercise
- Buy a rubber shock absorber. Attach it to anything (door handles, legs of a large table/cupboard, etc. ). Sit on the floor with the object approximately at the level of your perineum.
- Lie on your back and insert your feet into the special rings. Start separating them and moving them around.
- Turn over to your left side and remove the ring from your left leg. Holding the other side of the extender to the door handle, lift your right leg up firmly and then lower it back into place.
- Do the same with the other limb.
Qigong enhances male strength
- Lie on your back with your legs crossed and your arms extended along your body.
- Take a deep breath and lift your back and hips. In this case, the back of the head and shoulders should remain on the floor.
- Lift one leg and place the other heel on the floor.
- Hold for 3-5 seconds and return to starting position (as you exhale).
- Change legs.

- Lie on your back with arms and legs extended.
- Bend one limb at the knee and place your foot on the floor. The second one is flat.
- Inhale steadily and lift your straight legs. Hold this position for 4 seconds. Lower it.
- Repeat with the other leg.

Breathing exercises to build strength
- Metronome.Starting position - Lie on your back with knees bent and feet spread apart on the floor. Take a deep breath and rotate one knee inwards. Try to move it as close to the floor as possible. Exhale and return to IP.
Repeat the above steps for the other limb. The number of approaches is 10. - spring.Sit on a hard chair with your back straight and your arms straight in front of you, elbows bent. Take a sharp breath, immediately tighten the muscles in your anus and buttocks, and turn your hands into fists. Relax as you exhale slowly.
The number of approaches was 24. Each method consists of 4 inhales and exhales, followed by a pause (also 4 seconds) in a relaxed state. - Pelvic lift.Lie on your back with your knees bent. As you inhale, lift your lower body and place it on your legs. At this point, squeeze the muscles in your pelvic area. Lower your body as you exhale. Repeat tension 8 times, pausing for 3 seconds.

A mandatory rule is that underwear should be very loose, but it is best to perform breathing exercises naked.
Squat according to Strelnikova
- After assuming a straight position, place your arms across your body.
- The distance between the legs is 2-3 cm narrower than at the shoulders.
- Take a deep breath and immediately squat down so that the weight rests on your toes. At the same time, spread your knees slightly to the sides.
- Exhale and rise sharply, shifting your weight into your heels.
- For the second and subsequent squats, tighten the muscles in your legs and glutes.
Repeat up to 12 methods. Rest 3 times, 3-4 seconds each time.

Charges for those over 50 years old
- aerobics classes;
- Kegel exercises;
- yoga;
- breathing exercises;
- Simple exercises without weights.
Be sure to consider the condition of your cardiovascular system. Consult your doctor if necessary.
- severe heart and blood vessel disease;
- joint problems;
- Varicocele;
- Acute inflammatory process of the pelvic organs.