In men, urethral secretions of different nature are observed during arousal. They usually do not cause alarms because they are of natural origin. But in some cases, discharge from hospital is pathological and requires medical intervention.

Natural secretion of pre-semen
For healthy men, during erection, a small amount of transparent liquid will always flow from the penis. This phenomenon is considered normal and has nothing to do with any pathological process. In medicine, this secretion that is naturally secreted during arousal is called the urethra, and the fluid itself is called ejaculation.
General characteristics
Generally, such secrets are absolutely transparent and have an average consistency in density. The urethra is not only observed during awakening, but also during morning erection. From the urethra to the outside, in the process of caressing and preparing for sexual intercourse with the sexual partner, the pre-semen begin to release. The same reaction was observed during masturbation. The release of ejaculation may also accompany the early stage of intercourse and just before orgasm. All of these conditions are natural, so the discharge of precum should not cause panic.
This mucus is necessary to neutralize the residual acidity in the urethra itself and the vagina. Since sperm die only in an acidic environment, it is the preliquid to prepare favorable conditions for them.
Number of secretions
The amount of fluid secreted in this situation is completely different for everyone. But the higher the degree of arousal, the more secretions are released. It can be a few drops or an impressive amount of liquid, up to 5 ml. In some men, precum does not exist. The place where the pre-seed is formed is the glands of Cooper and Littre. They are located along the urethra and produce secrets, and their number increases with arousal.
In such a secret, the number of sperm may be insignificant. Therefore, interrupting sexual intercourse does not always guarantee the prevention of unintended pregnancy. Of course, the secretion itself does not contain sperm, but the residue of semen in the tube will inevitably end before ejaculation.
Sometimes, men worry about the excessive secretion of presemen during erection. In this case, the doctor recommends a differential diagnosis to rule out prostatic fluid-the release of prostatic fluid during urination or defecation.
Natural sperm production
The second natural fluid released from the penis due to erection is of course semen. Ejaculation is the natural result of ejaculation. The semen is white and viscous. Sperm is composed of secretions from the gonads and semen itself. Semen will be released due to sexual intercourse and masturbation. This discharge is accompanied by a sexual release.
No sperm excretion may indicate a serious pathology, which requires careful examination.
What will tell pathology
Generally, the presence of secretions during erection has nothing to do with pathology. But in some cases, you should be aware of deviations from the specification, as shown below:
- Unnatural secretion shadows-yellow, green, gray will indicate pathological conditions;
- The presence of blood in semen or urine;
- Pus, lumps, or clots in the discharge
- The penis emits an unpleasant or disgusting smell, which may indicate inflammation and infection processes;
- Pain or discomfort that occurs during erection.
It is these unnatural signs that accompany excitatory discharges that clearly indicate the existence of pathological processes. Itching, flushing, or swelling is also a warning sign. In this case, men should not self-administer medication or wait for the situation to resolve independently. The correct decision is to see a doctor for a diagnosis.
Possible pathological types
It is not easy to use only one discharge to assess the state of the genitourinary system. But the unusual secrets secreted from the urethra are signs of certain pathologies. For some diseases, the presence of specific secretions without other symptoms is characteristic.
Men should carefully monitor the quality and quantity of fluid in the penis during sexual arousal and under normal circumstances.
With the appearance of non-specific discharges during excitement, one can suspect the existence of:
- The inflammatory process that occurs in the genitourinary system, which is related to the activation of infectious and opportunistic particles;
- Sexually transmitted diseases;
- Pathology of tumor nature;
- Complications caused by surgical intervention;
- Consequences of injury and damage.
In this case, the nature of the secretion may be different, depending on the type of pathology, as well as the characteristics of the organism, and the neglect of the disease. It is unrealistic to judge the type of deviation independently. An in-depth diagnosis is needed, which will help doctors assess the patient’s condition and choose effective treatments.
Before going to the doctor and making a diagnosis, it is best not to take any medications, especially antibiotics. This will obscure the clinical situation and make it impossible to determine the correct diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate treatment plan.
Sanitation and emissions
We should also pay attention to smegma. This is a natural choice. However, in some cases, it may be accompanied by an unnatural smell. This lubrication is produced by fatty glands located in the head and foreskin.
In fact, smegma is a type of fat that can accumulate and cause unnatural odors without timely and high-quality hygiene procedures. The danger is not caused by smegma itself, but by its accumulation. In the absence of sanitary procedures, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of microorganisms and the development of inflammatory processes.
For men aged 16-25, the problem of the synthesis of a large amount of this lubricant is particularly urgent, because sexual activity has the highest characteristics at this time. With age, the amount of this secretion will decrease. When a man washes his penis twice a day, smegma is completely removed and no unnatural white patches are observed during erection. If necessary, you can use antibacterial soap to remove smegma.
Generally, men attribute the accumulation of white patches with a pungent smell to the release of smegma, and the real cause may be related to thrush, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
It is very dangerous to ignore any discharge that is different from the normal situation. Because they may be related to diseases that require immediate treatment and pose an irreversible threat to the reproductive system.